Action · Comedy

Logan Lucky – the Lucky ones are the ones that did not see this movie

logan lucky

MPW-120326. Digital image. N.p., n.d. Web. 26 Oct. 2017.


Rated PG-13 for language & some crude comments

Logan Lucky is a heist movie about the dimwitted Logan siblings that figure out a way to rob a NASCAR race. Although they are not the brightest group of criminal masterminds, they manage to put together a decent plan to make off with a decent amount of cash, bettering their desperate financial situations. Can they wrangle their rag-tag group of co-conspirators while avoiding detection & make off with the loot?

Set in West Virginia, the central characters of the film are about as back-woods & simple-minded as it gets. Despite this fact, they manage to make a well-thought-out plan to steal a surprising amount of cash from the vault of a local racetrack. They end up having to “cut in” a motley crew of burglars, which only complicates their situation. Full of shallow mystery & what some might consider comedy, this movie is a 2 hour trip down mediocre lane!

Directed by Steven Soderbergh, from the Ocean’s Eleven & all its sequels, it has his same signature use of dry humor & almost “Napoleon Dynamite-esque” awkwardness. This film is billed as a comedy, but those parts were very few & far between. It was well cast, believe it or not. Channing Tatum & Adam Driver were believable as the redneck brothers. Daniel Craig was probably the brightest spot, as the maniacal explosives expert. Lots of other recognizable stars in lesser roles lend star power to this film, also. With better writing, the stars could have made a much more endearing & funny movie.

Some violence: including small explosions, a not-so-graphic fist fight, & some varied criminal mischief. Some noticeable language, with almost every word in the book, but not heavily used. Some mild revealing clothing by the female characters, slight innuendo, but pretty mild sexual content also. Lots of social drinking, but nothing to excess.

This movie could have been much more entertaining. All the stars played their parts convincingly, but the writing just didn’t produce very many memorable moments. I think calling this film a “comedy” is a bit of a stretch, as I found it difficult to even produce a chuckle. There are certainly much better heist movies out there, also. If I had it to do again, I would have skipped this movie altogether.

I give it a score of about a 3/10.

In short, not for kids & teens just won’t care. In fact, most adults wouldn’t be very entertained, either! Just skip it!!!


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